Hi All: Magna-Tech continues to grow and increase their customer base. Magna-Tech has recently revised their accounting system to accomodate Quick Books. Magna-Tech has made this change in their accounting procedure to prepare for a Phase II Navy Department of Defense contract. When awarded, the contract will encompass the continuation of research of a patent pending for a high temperature nanocarburization process, and will scale up the process to produce and evaluate hookpoints for Navy consideration. In addition to the martensitic stainless steels, additional martensitic and low alloy steels will be included in the program. When awarded, the program will be of two-year duration and then Magna-Tech must consider making the process available commercially.
In addition to the above pending award, Magna-Tech has submitted an additional proposal to the Navy to improve the carburization process, using different technology to carburize or nitride gears and bearings for Navy aircraft applications. In addition to innovations in the process, Magna-Tech also intends to extend the process to carburize parts with difficult aspect ratios and long internal bores, hard to uniformly carburize using today's developed processing.
Magna-Tech is currently preparing a proposal for Department of Energy consideration. The proposal will include processing of waste water to create phosphorus as an element for additions to alloy ferrous powders. Magna-Tech is currently investigating partners that may be interested in joining in this venture.
Magna-Tech continues to service their valued customers, and will await consideration and funding for these new projects. Currently Magna-Tech is serving several customers by conducting magnetic testing and consulting. In addition
Magna-Tech is responsible for research and Quality Control of tungsten carbide parts and heat treatment procedures for an important client. Magna-Tech also is involved in consulting and testing of powder metallurgy parts, materials and processing.
In addition to the above, Magna-Tech is always interested in partnering with others, or just simply serving as consultant or offering their laboratory for outside testing services.